burnout and anxiety therapist in tacoma, wa

Before therapy I couldn’t let things go. I am a more relaxed person now. I play and have more fun. I have more motivation. I have tools and feel like I have power over my symptoms now.
— former client

anxiety therapy in Tacoma, WA

You are giving so much, and yet it never feels like “enough.” The constant stress is taking a toll on you—mentally, physically, and even spiritually. You’ve been in “productivity mode” so long, you have a hard time shutting off. Sure, you’re high-achieving, but even your closest friends don’t know how hard you are on yourself. You hold yourself to such a high standard, and you’re your own worst critic. The perfectionism can be crippling, but it’s almost like after so many grueling years of trying to have it all together all the time, you don’t know another way.

the symptoms of anxiety are taking a toll.

Too much sleep, too much in your relationships, too much in your job. The emotional overwhelm is too heavy to keep carrying alone. You are ready for a change from the depression and anxiety that floats around you. You feel tired and worn down, more so than you think you should at this point in life. You’ve noticed lately your fuse feels shorter and you’re often irritable. You’ve even had a few panic attacks and that really scares you.

counseling for anxiety in tacoma, wa

anxiety therapist tacoma wa

My name is Kate Hagborg, LMHC, and I provide counseling for women in Tacoma, WA to help you get out of the anxiety cycle, understand what is driving the perfectionism and burnout, and help you form new patterns of self-compassion and self-care.

A big thing we will focus on in our work together is helping you understand what you are feeling by taming the emotional overwhelm. We will help you develop coping skills to calm the panic attacks and anxiety onslaughts. Together we will help you understand what your emotions are underneath the anxiety, and so you can decipher what those feelings are signaling to you about your needs. We will make a plan for your needs to get met so that burnout is a thing of the past.

You accomplish so much and you care for others so well, we will help you learn that you are worth that same effort and attention so that you can nurture your own well-being and live in a sustainable way.

You don’t have to do this alone. Let counseling be a time and space for us to care for YOU and put your needs first. Give me a call for a free consultation to see if we’d be a good fit to help you calm the anxiety and start feeling a deeper sense of peace.